Research programmes
The aims of the Cultural Foundation that are endowed with a Cyprological interest are met by placing particular importance on the research of primary and other sources in the fields of Archaeology, History, Art and Literature. The Collections of the Cultural Foundation provide the basic source for the development of such programmes which are eventually published by the Cultural Foundation.
Increasing Students’ Awareness on Cultural Heritage (through Digital Tools and NFE Methods ( i-SCHOOL) 2021-1-CY01-KA220- SCH-000032562

Redefining the Future of Culture Heritage: Creating an Innovative Model for Sustainability”(ReInHerit) (H2020 No 101004545)

Foodprint project: The Mediterranean Diet Revisited (EACEA 32/2019)

Re-inventing age-old Travelling Paths of the Levant in the Digital Era: the example of Cyprus (ReTraPath) (EXCELLENCE/0918/0190)

Aspects of multiconfessionalism and human geography in early modern Cyprus from the Venetians to the Ottomans (CyChrist) (POST-DOC/0916/0060)

The business elite of modern Cyprus, 1878-1959: social origins and entrepreneurial characteristics in a historical perspective (BEMC) (POST-DOC/0916/0231)

InArt2DiverCity: Introducing Cultural Diversity of European Cities to Youth (Agreement No: 2018-1-CY02-KA205-001200)