"Little Nicholas Goes on Holiday"
Film screening - Thursday 29 August 2024
A school year, a very strenuous one, is over. Nicolas took the rhetoric prize, which rewarded him not so much for quality as for quantity, and said goodbye to his classmates: alchest, Rufus, Ed, Joffroy, Mexan, Joakim, Clotaire and Aniane. Books and notebooks are in the drawers and now everyone is thinking about the holidays.
Translated in Greek
All events will take place with observation of all necessary protection measures for the health and safety of visitors and staff and are accessible to disabled groups.
Children's cinema screenings start at 8 p.m.
Free entrance
During the events, photos and/or videos will be taken. The pictures of visitors of the events may be used for promotional purposes or may be provided to the media or uploaded on the Internet. By attending the events, the public automatically gives to the organizers the right to use the photos/videos taken.