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16 January - 31 May 2013

The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation presents the photo exhibition by Sergey Yastrzhembskiy, entitled “impressions”.


The exhibition of Sergey Yastrzhembskiy features 63 photographs from Africa and Europe, and also from Russia and Cyprus. The most prominent feature of his impressive photographs, which in fact are more reminiscent of paintings, is that they all depict the Earth but have been taken from a height of hundreds of meters above sea level. By observing the photographs, the viewer may compare countries and continents from above, as if flying over the depicted places. Unique combinations of patterns and colours make up the landscapes of the exhibition, which seem to be without a beginning or an end.


“Sergey Yastrzhembskiy is mostly interested in visual structure and subtractive composition, highlighting the differences between countries and continents by means of the colours’ texture and scale. Such differences are not determined only by natural capacities but also by the influence of human civilization on them. His Africa looks so brutal whilst, before it, Europe comes out graphic and more… impressionistic” notes the Director of Moscow’s House of Photography, Olga Sviblova.


The exhibition will be opened until 31st May 2013.


Visiting hours: Monday – Sunday 10:00 – 19:00 (except on bank holidays). 

Διέσεις και Υφέσεις που πονούν. Εικόνες και στίχοι / Sharps and Flats that hurt. Images and Verses